dataPAC User’s Guide
Chapter 4 - Off Route Analysis with the dataPAC
The selections depends upon the current selection in the Measurement Variable parameter.
Note that this simply specifies the text that is used to label the measurement. The scaling for
the measured data is automatically set based upon the selected Unit Text.
RMS - Root Mean Square amplitude is the amplitude of a sine wave at the frequency of
Pk - Peak Amplitude is the RMS Amplitude multiplied by the square root of 2. This is
the peak (0 to maximum) amplitude of a sine wave at the frequency of interest and is
calculated from the RMS value.
PP - Peak to Peak Amplitude is the RMS Amplitude multiplied by the square root of 2
times 2. This is the peak-to-peak (minimum to maximum) amplitude of a sine wave at
the frequency of interest and is calculated from the RMS value.
Use the arrow keys to move in the list. Press <SELECT> to select the Unit Text.
Hardware Range
Hardware Range allows you to specify the detectable range when acquiring the signal. Press
<SELECT> key and the Hardware Range dialog box opens.
Press <SELECT> to display a list of Hardware Range values. Use the arrow keys to select a
value. This parameter is used to control the hardware range when taking a measurement.
Measurement starts at the specified range. Anything over the specified value is not stored (it
is clipped).
Press the right arrow key to highlight the Auto Scale If Clipping option then press
<SELECT> to enable it. If enabled, the hardware re-ranges if the signal amplitude exceeds
the selected hardware range. Press <DONE> when complete.
Note: Auto Scale if Clipping is most useful for machines that take a long time to start-up or coast-
down. If this function is enabled, and signal clipping occurs during the measurement, then a
new hardware range must be selected. Since data cannot be collected during the ranging
process, there will be a gap in the collected data set.
Display Scaling
Press <SELECT> in the Display Scaling box to select from a list of display scale values.
This parameter controls the display scale for measured data. Auto Scale or Track Hardware
Range are good options, but if you want to take measurements from several places for
comparison, you may want to specify a range so that your displays can be easily compared.
Select from:
Auto Scale - Adjusts automatically to the measured data.
Track Hdw Rng - Presents the data on the same hardware range that is being used to
measure the data.
Fixed display ranges - A list of supported ranges.
Display Update
Use the <SELECT> key to toggle between Final Results and Live while in the Display
Update box. If set to Live, the dataPAC displays the measured data immediately. If set to
Final Results, the dataPAC displays the data once measurement is complete.
Note: More data can be collected in the same amount of time using the Final Results setting.
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com