multi EA 5100
When closing the argon gas supply, a return of the acid used can occur in the
Cl module 5100. For this reason, the measuring gas lines to this module must be
disconnected before closing the argon gas supply.
When attaching the Cl module 5100: There is a risk of injury from sulfuric acid!
During an emergency shutdown the vacuum may draw sulfuric acid into the
transfer line and the auto-protection valve assembly during the cooling down pe-
riod. After an emergency shutdown, check that the transfer line and the auto-
protection valve assembly are not contaminated with sulfuric acid (→ "Recom-
missioning after emergency shutdown (Cl module 5100)"
40) before recom-
When closing the gas supply, a return of the slightly acidic electrolyte solution
and the phosphoric acid in the TIC reactor can occur in the
S module 5100 coulometric and the TOC module 5100. Check the measuring gas
hoses for contamination before recommissioning. Observe the safety instructions
for handling acidic solutions during cleaning.
Safety instructions – maintenance and repair
The device is generally maintained by the customer service department of
Analytik Jena AG or specialist personnel trained and authorized by them.
Unauthorized maintenance can damage the device. For this reason, only the activi-
ties described in the user manual in the "Maintenance and care" chapter may be per-
formed by the operator.
Only clean the exterior of the device with a slightly moistened, non-dripping
cloth. Use only water and, if required, customary surfactants.
Do not use any organic solvents or abrasives to clean the device. Exercise caution
when decontaminating the device with disinfectants containing alcohol. The al-
cohol can damage the safety labeling on the device.
All maintenance and repair work on the device must only be carried out when
the device is switched off (unless specified otherwise).
Maintenance work and the replacement of system components (e.g., the re-
moval of the combustion tube) must only be carried out when the device has
cooled down sufficiently.
The gas supply must be shut off before performing any maintenance or repair
work (unless specified otherwise).
All protective equipment must be reinstalled and checked for proper function
when the maintenance or repair work is complete.
Ensure that all connections are gas-tight again after maintenance.
Use only original spare parts, wear parts and consumables. They have been
tested and ensure safe operation. Glass part are wear parts and are not subject
to the warranty.
During maintenance of the combustion tube and of the auto-protection valve as-
sembly, there is a risk of injury due to falling parts. Exercise extreme caution
when handling the two components.