Chapter Six
Comms Logging
These options allow logging and display of radio communications. To start “Comms
select option the “Comms” option from the diagnostics menu (see section 6.2.3),
‘Stop Terminal’ and then
‘Start Comms’.
The display will show radio messages transmitted and received. Messages ending with a dash
(-) are received messages. An asterisk after the dash indicates a corrupted message.
If you select any message line with the mouse, information about the message will be
displayed at the bottom of the screen. The “text box” at the bottom middle of the screen
decodes the message - that is, it decodes the message to display I/O channel and value.
You can display the register values in Decimal by selecting “Dec” at the bottom of the screen.
If you select “Dig”, the values will be displayed as a 0 or 1 digital value (1 if the 16-bit value
is greater than 50% - that is, the most significant bit is 1). If you select “Anlg”, the value
will be displayed as a 4-20mA range.
To stop “comms logging”, select the “Stop Comms” box. You can then shut down the
diagnostics screen, or select “Terminal” to go back to the diagnostics menu.
Add Time Stamps
Time stamps can be added by selecting the “Time Stamps” box. This will allow the current
time and date to be displayed with each message.
The “Comms log” can be saved to a file for future reference by selecting “Log to File”.