105 Radio/Serial Telemetry Module
User Manual
January 2004
Radio Transceiver (105U)
Single channel
Direct frequency modulation
405 - 490 MHz
220 – 235MHz
869.4 – 869.65 MHz
12.5 kHz, 10 - 500 mW
25 kHz, 4W
250KHz, 500mW
Spurious emissions
RX - <-57 dBm
TX - <-37 dBm
Frequency Stability
+/- 1.0 kHz
Receiver Sensitivity
0.4uV at 12dB SINAD
Signal detect / RSSI
-120 to -80 dBm
Expected line-of-sight range
400 – 500MHz
2 km @ 10mW EIRP
5 km @ 100mW EIRP
10 km @ 500 mW EIRP
Expected line-of-sight range
220 MHz
25 km @ 4W EIRP
40 km @ 10W EIRP
Expected line-of-sight range
869 MHz
5 km @ 500mW EIRP
Range may be extended by up to 5
intermediate modules as repeaters
Antenna Connector
Female coaxial
Protected by gas discharge surge
arrester (but not the 869MHz
Serial Ports
RS232 Port
DB9 female DCE
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit
RS485 Port
2 pin terminal block
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit,
Typical distance 1km
Data transmission
On change-of-state
+ integrity update
Update time configurable
Protocol - serial
- radio
asynchronous ARQ, with
16 bit CRC
synchronous ARQ
Automatic acknowledgements with
up to 4 retries
Communications fail status
May be mapped to local or
remote output
Resetting of outputs on comms fail