© Elcom Ltd.
Error messages and self tests
8.3 Self tests
Self tests of the Euro-2500T register permit checking of its functionality simply and quickly. Self testing
permits automatic checking of the functionality of electronic circuits, display segments, keyboard buttons,
communication ports and printer.
Test number
1 3
8.2 What to do in case of power failure
8.2.1 Power failure
This part is important only for registers that operate without the built-in accumulator.
If you use the register and power failure occurs it is necessary:
to switch the register off
after electric power recovery switch on the register
if the register displays the text The purchase not finished it is necessary to complete the
purchase and compare the resulting sum with the total of registered items within the
purchase; if one of the items has not been added to the total sum of the purchase but was
sold to the customer it is necessary to register it additionally
if power failure occurs during printing and the report has not been printed, switch the
register on and repeat the report again.
8.2.2 Failures of register as a result of interference in the power network
Accidental failures of electronic equipment are frequently caused by the power network or by electromag-
netic interference. In the case of very intensive interference in your working area, or in the case of over
or under voltage, installation of protective devices can help significantly. Ask your authorized dealer or
service technician for help.