Fig. 10-1
21.4 Set date/ time
You can set the date / time in the software editor, as shown in Fig. 10-2. There are two
clock modes - an analog clock and digital clock. There are the options in the < Display
Style > of <Setting interface>, and the default display in software is analog clock. Detail
as below.
Analog Clock:
Setting interface and display of analog clock are as shown in Fig. 10-2.
Fig. 10-2
Name: T
he name of the program.
Time difference:
set the time difference compared to local time.
the time difference ahead.
: time lag
For example: the local time is 7:00 pm, Tokyo time is 8:00. If you want to show
the time in Tokyo, simply fill out the time difference of 1 hour, you can choose in
advance, no need to adjust local time
Display Style:
the clock's display style.
setting the text appears in the dial, such as: Beijing. Location and font can
be set.
Hour tick:
Set the marker of hours tick inside dial clockwise, can adjust marker
color, size and shape.
Minute Tick:
Set the marker of hours tick inside dial clockwise, can adjust marker
color, size.
Hour hand, Minute hand, Second Hand
: Set their colors
Set whether to display the date inside the dial and date display location.
Set whether to display week inside the dial, and the week display position.