Merge/Cancel merge
Select the <Cell> you want to merge, then right-click it and select<Merge Table> as Fig.
7-3 shows.
Fig. 7-3
If want to cancel the merge, select the < cell> and right-click it, then select < Cancel
Merge> as Fig. 7-4 shows.
Fig. 7-4
19. Web Display
19.1 New Multimedia Window
Click the button<
> for a new multimedia window.
19.2 Set Multimedia Window
Set multimedia window properties (see 3.4.5 Step five: multi-media window property).
19.3 Open play files
Click the button <
> and select<Web display>, or right-click <Multimedia Window> and
select < Web display >, then <Web Editing interface> pop up as Fig. 8-1shows.