14.2.1 Play Window
Play window
(The contents are displayed on the LED screen) is used to play the text,
images, animation, multimedia clips and other content the user want to. Here's the
content coincides with what the LED screen shows. This software supports play windows,
up to 99 maximally, that means one computer can control the 99 pieces of display
screen. Each play window can have several multimedia windows. And each multimedia
window can load twelve types of multimedia files (that is described in chapter
3.1). Independently, each player window can open program files and standalone play,
independent editing without affecting the other play window.
14.2.2 Console
is used to control the position, size and program content of play window. The
console can be expanded into edit mode, the expanded control buttons as shown by the
red mark in Fig 3-2.
Fig 3-2
In the edit mode, you can clearly see the console to expand in three parts, as shown in
Fig.3-3: Function Menu, Control Strip and Edit Area.
Fig 3-3
Function Menu:
orderly including seven sub-menu <Files>, <Edit>, <New>,
<Material>, <Settings>, <Tools>, <Help>.
Control Strip:
orderly including five functions of <Back>, <Play>, <Pause>, <Stop>,
Edit Area:
the toolbar at the top in sequence includes <new episode or media window>,
<import>, <move up>, <move down>, <delete>, <play>, <stop play>, <zoom in>,
<zoom out>; left are the options for the program, show programs and sub- window
information; the right are options to edit, includes the special play effects, content ,time
and so on.