KGL Operating Manual – UA 412 S
88 122
Temperat. S7 xxx °C
Display current cylinder end temperature compressor 1 Z61/ Z62
Kondens.Temp. xxx °C
Display current condensation temperature terminals Z71/Z72
Sole Eintritt xxx °C
Display current brine inlet temperature terminals Z81/Z82
Temperat. S8 xxx °C
Display current brine outlet temperature terminals Z91/Z92
po xxxb
Display current pressure po
to xxx °C
Display current temperature to
pc xxxb
Display current pressure pc
tc xxx °C
Display current temperature tc
Menu 1-2 Cooling
Kühlung xxx
Display current ON / OFF state of the cooling
Temperat. R2 xxx °C
Display current supply air temperature terminals Z11/Z12
Setpoint R2 xxx °C
Display setpoint supply air temperature for comparison
Hysteresis R2 xxx K
Display setpoint hysteresis supply air temperature
Temperat. R4 xxx °C
Display current return air temperature terminals Z21/Z22
Setpoint R4 xxx °C
Display setpoint return air temperature for comparison
Hysteresis R4 xxx K
Display setpoint hysteresis return air temperature
Verd.Drehzahl 0%
Speed of the compressor
Verfl.Lüfter AUS
Display current ON / OFF state of the condenser fan
Dauerl.überw. AUS
Display current ON / OFF state of the continuous monitoring
Status Licht AUS
Display current ON / OFF state of the case lighting terminals 81/82
Menu 1-3 Defrost
Abtauung XXX
Display current ON / OFF state of the defrost
Abtaurelais 1 XXX
Display current ON / OFF state of the defrost relay
Temperat. R1.1 XXX °C
Display current evaporator defrost end temperature terminals Z31 / Z32
Abtauendtemp XXX °C
Display setpoint defrost end temperature for comparison
Wartezeit XX m
Display setpoint wait time
Abtropfzeit XX m
Display setpoint drip time
letzte Abt. XX hh:mm
Display time (date, time) of the last started defrost
Menu 1-4
Not applicable for this controller type.
Menu 1-5 Alarm
Alarm relay XXX
Display current ON / OFF state of the output alarm terminals 15/16/18
Display current ON / OFF state of the input terminals D41/D42
Soll Übertemp1 XX °C
Display setpoint overtemperature
Soll Untertmp1 XX K
Display setpoint low temperature
Menu 1-6 Frame heater