KGL Operating Manual – UA 412 S
116 122
11.1.6 Restart
All alarms are given a send timestamp during a restart.
11.2 Individual allocation of priorities
It is possible in the case controller to allocate an individual priority for most alarms (parameter
set to NO, menu 6-5). This enables the targeted addressing of alarm destinations and
Kühlstellenregler prio
the adjustment of alarm signalling to individual requirements.
The priority on the controller side is used if the parameter
is set to
(menu 6-5). It is
Kühlstellenregler prio
also always used for the alarm signalling in the event of failure of the control by the system centre / store
The value range for the priorities is 0..99 so that up to 100 alarm destinations can be differentiated. This
priority range is divided into 10 alarm groups (decades).
The 1 and 2 priorities (1,11,21,...91 and 2,12,22,...92) are reserved for high priority alarms.
The highest priority number in each group (9,19,29,...99) is reserved for low priority alarms which
should only generate local alarm signalling.
All other priority numbers are intended for low priority alarms.
The lowest priority number in each group (0,10,20,..90) is reserved for messages that are only recorded
in the message list.
If the priority is set to "–", no message is generated.
This division into alarm groups (decades) facilitates maintenance group oriented alarm management.
The alarm priorities --, 0..2 correspond to the remote alarm messaging concept of older store
computer versions with firmware versions <5.0. If priorities from 3..99 are configured in the controller,
the store computer must be updated to version 5.0 or higher via a firmware update. Further
information is provided in the store computer operating manual.
The respective alarms (exception: refrigeration point priority and setpoint adjustment) can also be set to the
value "--" and thus be completely removed from the alarm signalling.
If the parameter
is sent to the value
(menu 6-5), the allocation of individual priorities is
enabled. For the setting
, the alarm priorities are allocated according to the previous schema with the
value of the refrigeration point priority. This simplifies the configuration for standard applications.
Thar following assignments arise from the allocation of the global priority:
Alarms with global priority
Alarms with the priority 0
Low Temperature
High Temperature
Sensor Fault
No Defrost
First Start
RTC Fault
Flash Fault
Time Defrost Termination
Power Failure
Manual Shutdown
Setpoint Adjustment
Refrig. Pt. Disabl.
Battery Voltage
External Alarm
Safety Chain
Compressor End Temperature
If an alarm with a controller priority > 0 is pending and this priority is set to 0 before the alarm
has been marked as gone, the controller has no possibility to reset the alarm in the store
computer. Therefore, it is recommended after any change of alarm priorities to the value 0 to