KGL Operating Manual – UA 412 S
20 122
The first 5 temperature sensors (1..5)
be identical in their type and of the type NTC and can be adjusted
using the parameter
(menu 6-2-5, set to "L243" at the factory). The following NTC sensor types
Sensor type
are supported:
L243 (K243) temperature range -50 .. 50 °C
(the sensor K243 can also be used instead of the sensor L243 as the characteristic curves of both
sensors are identical)
K277 temperature range -50 .. 50 °C
5K3A1 temperature range 0 .. 100 °C
The next 5 temperature sensors (6..10)
be of the type PTC:
Design as Pt1000
For details, see chapter
Assignment of the analogue inputs for temperature sensors., page 72
about the dimensions of the sensors, see chapter
Mechanical data of the temperature sensors L243 / 5K3A1,
The sensors must be mounted carefully. If sensor cables are exclusively laid within the refrigerated
case to be monitored, and sources of interference (e.g. parallel power lines) are not anticipated, then
it is possible to dispense with shielding. Otherwise, interference in the sensor cables must be
prevented using suitable measures.
5.2.1 Necessary and optional sensors
Dependent on the controller type, there are necessary and optional temperature sensors for the case
controller. A sensor scan is performed automatically during the first start of the controller. The number of
scanned sensors can be checked in the menu (6-1) or with the LDSWin PC software. Thereby, not connected
sensors can be excluded from the monitoring for sensor failure.