Time of immobility after which alarm will be signalled - the time following
which the device generates ManDown alarm in case of immobility
Pre-alarm - functionality allowing the user to get information on detection of
immobility before the ManDown alarm is generated
Time of immobility after which prealarm will be signalled - time after which the
device in a static state signals immobility to the useru
The method of pre-alarming the device’s user of the ManDown function activation
(in other words: of the approaching generation of ManDown alarm) is described in
point Speaker.
The ManDown functionality does not be checked at the time of generation of
sound or vibration. The sound generation could cause vibrations inside the cover,
which could be identified with the activity of the device, in fact alarm would have
never run.
Tilt detection
The device, thanks to the built-in motion sensor, can detect and signal its incorrect
rest position. The functionality may be useful in transport, if a correct position of the
package is required throughout the way. In such case it is enough to properly
configure the device and firmly attach it in a correct position inside the package.
The adjustable parameters are:
Rest position – defined neutral position of the device (e.g. "Horizontally, button
up", "Vertically")
Deviation time - time following which the device which deviated from the rest
position generates the Tilt alarm
Pre-alarm - functionality allowing the user to get information on detection of
deviation before the Tilt alarm is generated
Time of tilt after which prealarm will be signalled - time, after which the device
signals detected deviation to the user
The method of pre-alarming the device’s user of the Tilt function activation (in
other words: of the approaching generation of Tilt alarm) is described in point