send SMS message with described on the previous page parameters (SERVER,
PORT, APN, UN and PW),
wait until device connects to the server
remaining parameters send over GPRS link, using Console function of
Defines time between following tests, which are sending to server through GPRS
link. If no parameter is programmed, device will use default value - 1 minute.
If value ends with letter „s” time will be recognized in seconds. Minimal interval
between tests is 20 seconds.
Specifies primary DNS server address and should be defined only if is obligatory.
Specifies secondary DNS server address and should be defined only if is obligatory.
Telephone number which is allowed to send configuration SMS message to Active
Track device. Messages are sending in plain-text, without encryption. This option
limits remote access to the device (through SMS messages). When no telephone
number is programmed, SMS messages will be accepted from any number.
Authorization of incoming SMS message relies on comparing telephone number of
incoming message with number saved in memory of Active Track device. It is
possible to save only part of telephone number in device. In this case all telephone
numbers which contains saved sequence will be authorized. For example: saved
sequence "1234" will authorize telephone numbers such as: 600123456 or
Sets date and time in the device.
Defines time dependencies between connections to server attempts. After first
failed attempt, next will occur according to these parameters:
init – initial time value (in minutes) after which connections attempts starts
change – defines how to change time period between attempts:
geometric progression - *x.yy, where x.yy is time in minutes with
1/100min precision
arithmetic progression - +x, where x is time in minutes
limit – maximum time between attempts
Example 1.
Defines that after first failed attempt, next will occur after 2 minutes. If second
try will fail, time period will be increased by 1 minute (so next attempt will occur
after 3 minutes). Time period is limited to 5 minutes (parameter: limit). Next
attempts will occur after 5 minutes periods. If server is disconnected, attempts to
connect will look like that (P means connection attempt, digit means time period
in minutes): P, 2, P, 3, P, 4, P, 5, P, 5, P, 5, P, ..........