U Page 34
Digital controller RK 4004
Entered value in parameter .2.8.
75 %
Entered value in parameter .2.6. / .2.7.
15 mm
15 mm * 75 / 100 = 11.25 mm
If the positioning range of 11.25 mm is exceeded the end position ex-
ceeded message will be output.
If the values differ in parameters .2.6. / .2.7. a theoretical center will
be deduced from the sum of the two values. The end position early
warning is in relation to this center.
Entered value in parameter .2.8.
75 %
Entered value in parameter .2.6.
15 mm
Entered value in parameter .2.7.
10 mm
(15 mm + 10 mm) / 2 * 75 / 100 = 9.375 mm
.2.9. reserved 29
Not assigned at present.
.3.0. reference offset
In this parameter the distance between the reference switch switching
point and the center of the DC actuator drive is set.
To calibrate the internal position counter the actuator moves first to
the reference switch, then center position (neutral position) in "center
position" operating mode .
To assure that the positioning movement is as slight as possible in
"center position" mode the reference switch switching point should be
the same as neutral position.
This parameter is automatically determined and entered during the
actuator initialisation run.
.2.6. = 15 mm
.2.7. = 15 mm
11.25 mm end position
early warning in relation
to theoretical center
.2.6. = 15 mm
.2.7. = 10 mm
9.375 mm end position
early warning in relation
to theoretical center