9023927 - 2nd edition - May 2007
Page 21 of 72 Pages
Maintenance intervals
Before starting operation:
Check the calibration, see page 22.
Check the transmission of signals to the control unit and the triggering of
alarms, page 54.
At regular intervals to be defined by the person responsible for the gas warning
Check the transmission of signals to the control unit and the triggering of
alarms, page 54.
If a selective filter specific to the sensor is being used:
Replace the selective filter –
see the related Instructions for Use for details of the capacity of the selective filter
being used.
Calibrate the sensor, see page 22.
The interval for regular calibration depends on the sensor being used and on the
operating conditions.
Polytron 7500 calculates, from the selected calibration interval (see page 58)
when the next calibration is due.
Specific calibration data for the sensor, see the Instructions for Use for the Dräger
At the latest every twelve months:
Inspection by specialists.
The inspection intervals must be established in each individual case and short-
ened if necessary, depending on technical safety considerations, engineering
conditions and the technical requirements of the equipment.
We recommend that a service contract be obtained with Dräger Safety and that
all repairs also be carried out by them.
In order to check for leaks, measure the flow at the inlet point and behind the
Polytron 7500.
As required:
Replace the sensor, page 23.
Replace the pump, page 25.
Replace the pyrolysis oven, page 26.
Replace the internal dust filter, page 27.