The throttle knobs on the DT400 can also be used to access the recall
stack and select a locomotive to run on a throttle or to reverse the
direction of the locomotive currently selected on that throttle.
When dialing up numbers with the throttle knobs, the R Throttle knob
changes 1s and 10s and the L Throttle knob changes 100s and
1000s. This makes the throttle knobs easy to use when dialing up
four digit addresses.
If you prefer larger throttle knobs, simply remove the 1/2” knobs that
come standard with the DT400 by pulling gently and replace them
with larger knobs (up to 1.25”).
4.3 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Diagram 3: DT400 LCD
4.3.1 Loco Icon
The L & R Loco Icons
are used to indicate whether an address is
available for selection. A blinking loco icon means that the address
is available for selection and a steady loco icon means that the loco
address is currently selected or in use by another throttle.
4.3.2 Direction Indicators
The direction indicators
are located in the LCD Display of the
DT400 directly below the Loco Icon. There are separate indicators
for the L (left) and R (right) throttles. If the arrow points to the
front of the loco, the throttle is in the forward direction. If the arrow
R Throttle Direction
L Throtte Direction
Text Area
L Throttle
R Throttle
R Loco Icon
L Loco Icon
L Smoke Icon
R Smoke Icon
Functions 0-12
(Active Throttle)
Tetherless Indicator
Track Power
R Semaphore
L Semaphore
R Bar Gragh
L Bar Graph
Diagram 3a: DT400 LCD Display