Dell SonicWALL Secure Mobile Access 8.5
Administration Guide
Log > Settings Overview
Log > Settings
page allows the administrator to configure log alert and syslog server settings. Syslog is an
industry-standard logging protocol that records system and networking activity. The syslog messages are sent in
WELF (WebTrends Enhanced Log Format), so most standard firewalls and networking reporting products can
accept and interpret the log files. The syslog service transmits syslog messages to external syslog server(s)
listening on UDP port 514.
Figure 61. Log > Settings Page
Log & Alert Levels
The Log & Alert Levels section allows the administrator to select categories for Syslog, Event log, and Alerts.
The categories are: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, and debug.
Syslog Settings
The Syslog Settings section allows the administrator to specify the primary and secondary Syslog servers.
Event Logging and Alerts
The Event Logging and Alerts section allows the administrator to configure email alerts by specifying the email
address for logs to be sent to, the mail server, mail from address, and the frequency to send alert emails. You
can schedule a day and hour at which to email the event log, or schedule a weekly email, or send the email
when the log is full. You can enable SMTP authentication and configure the user name and password along with
the SMTP port.
Configuring Log Settings
To configure log and alert settings, complete the following steps:
1 To begin configuring event log, syslog and alert settings, navigate to the
Log > Settings