30. Enable GB black close
When the input is activated, the unit is allowed to close the generator on a dead busbar, providing that the
frequency and voltage are inside the limits set up in menu 2110.
31. Enable separate sync.
Activating this input will split the breaker close and breaker synchronisation functions into two different relays.
The breaker close function will remain on the relays dedicated for breaker control. The synchronisation func-
tion will be moved to a configurable relay dependent on the options configuration.
32. GB spring loaded
The unit will not send a close signal before this feedback is present.
33. Running feedback
The input is used as a running indication of the engine. When the input is activated, the start relay is deactiva-
34. Shutdown override
This input deactivates all protections except the overspeed protection and the emergency stop input. The
number of start attempts is seven by default, but it can be configured in menu 6201. Also a special cool down
timer is used in the stop sequence after an activation of this input.
The genset will not shut down in case of serious alarms that would shut down the genset dur-
ing normal operation.
35. Low speed
Disables the regulators and keeps the genset running at a low RPM.
The governor must be prepared for this function.
36. Battery test
Activates the starter without starting the genset. If the battery is weak, the test will cause the battery voltage
to drop more than acceptable, and an alarm will occur
37. Start enable
The input must be activated to be able to start the engine.
When the genset is started, the input can be removed.
38. Remove starter
The start sequence is deactivated. This means the start relay deactivates, and the starter motor will disen-
39. Remote start
This input initiates the start sequence of the genset when remote mode is selected.
40. Remote stop
This input initiates the stop sequence of the genset when remote mode is selected. The genset will stop with-
out cooling down.
41. Remote start and close GB
Pulse command to initiate the start sequence followed by synchronisation of the breaker.
GPC-3 DRH 4189340587 UK
Additional functions
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