MOP Counters
Table G–1 (Cont.) MOP Counter Block
Off Len
Off Len
02 4
10 8
Bytes received.
The total number
of user data bytes successfully
received. This does not include
Ethernet data link headers. This
number is the number of bytes
in the Ethernet data field, which
includes any padding or length
fields when they are enabled.
These are bytes from frames that
passed hardware filtering. When
the number of frames received is
used to calculate protocol overhead,
the overhead plus bytes received
provides a measurement of the
amount of Ethernet bandwidth
(over time) consumed by frames
addressed to the local system.
06 4
18 8
Bytes sent.
The total number
of user data bytes successfully
transmitted. This does not include
Ethernet data link headers or data
link generated retransmissions.
This number is the number of bytes
in the Ethernet data field, which
includes any padding or length
fields when they are enabled.
When the number of frames sent is
used to calculate protocol overhead,
the overhead plus bytes sent
provides a measurement of the
amount of Ethernet bandwidth
(over time) consumed by frames
sent by the local system.
(continued on next page)
G–2 MOP Counters