MAGNET POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM 8500 Using the two level function.
Selecting which register to set:
Writing to register 0 with the ‘da 0,val1,val2' command requires ‘val2' to be “0", and writing to
register 1 must ‘val2' be “1". ‘MUX 1' routes in other words ‘val1' to either register 0 or 1 according
to its information. Not specifying ‘val2' will update the last selected register. Chancing the register
without altering the set value can be done by omitting the ‘val1' information. E.g. changing to
register 1 is done with the command ‘da 0,,1'.
Changing the output current with the M-Panel will be performed through the last selected
Selecting which register to be used for the DAC:
‘MUX 2' routes one of the two set registers to the DAC, which inturn sets the output current of the
MPS. ‘MUX 2' is controlled from the AUX2 bit 5 setup setting (see SW command manual in
appendix 1 on how to set the AUX2 bits. If AUX2 bit 5 is zero (SW control) will the used register
to the DAC follow the ‘val2' information issued by the ‘da 0,val1,val2' command. That is, selecting
register 0 for writing, will also select register 0 be connected to the DAC. If AUX2 bit 5 is one (HW
control) will the used register to the DAC follow the HW SYNC signal.
Using the SYNC line for the two level function will automatically disable its use for the
ramp profile synchronisation.
Reading which register is selected for writing and which to be used for the DAC:
The two level HW circuit delivers the MUX1 & MUX2 control lines back to be used as status
indication on how the registers are routed. This status can be red with the command ‘da 0,r’, which
delivers following answer: 0,xxxxxx,yy where:
is the given DAC value
First y, selected register for writing (MUX 1 position)
Second y, selected register to DAC (MUX 2 position)
DOC NO P80303Sk