not enabled. Furthermore, if the MCB 112 is the only
device using safe stop (specified through selection [4] or
[5] in
5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop
), an unexpected
combination is activation of safe stop without the X44/10
being activated. The following table summarizes the
unexpected combinations that lead to Alarm 72. Note that
if X44/10 is activated in selection 2 or 3, this signal is
ignored! However, the MCB 112 will still be able to activate
Safe Stop.
WARNING 73, Safe stop auto restart
Safe stopped. With automatic restart enabled, the motor
may start when the fault is cleared.
ALARM 74, PTC Thermistor
Alarm related to the ATEX option. The PTC is not working.
ALARM 75, Illegal profile sel.
Parameter value must not be written while motor is
running. Stop motor before writing MCO profile to
8-10 Control Word Profile
for instance.
WARNING 76, Power unit setup
The required number of power units does not match the
detected number of active power units.
When replacing an F-frame module, this will occur if the
power specific data in the module power card does not
match the rest of the frequency converter. Confirm the
spare part and its power card are the correct part number.
WARNING 77, Reduced power mode
This warning indicates that the frequency converter is
operating in reduced power mode (i.e. less than the
allowed number of inverter sections). This warning will be
generated on power cycle when the frequency converter is
set to run with fewer inverters and will remain on.
ALARM 78, Tracking error
The difference between set point value and actual value
has exceeded the value in
4-35 Tracking Error
. Disable the
function by
4-34 Tracking Error Function
or select an alarm/
warning also in
4-34 Tracking Error Function
. Investigate the
mechanics around the load and motor, Check feedback
connections from motor – encoder – to frequency
converter. Select motor feedback function in
4-30 Motor
Feedback Loss Function
. Adjust tracking error band in
4-35 Tracking Error
4-37 Tracking Error Ramping
ALARM 79, Illegal power section configuration
The scaling card is the incorrect part number or not
installed. Also MK102 connector on the power card could
not be installed.
ALARM 80, Drive initialised to default value
Parameter settings are initialised to default settings after a
manual reset. Reset the unit to clear the alarm.
ALARM 81, CSIV corrupt
CSIV file has syntax errors.
ALARM 82, CSIV parameter error
CSIV failed to init a parameter.
ALARM 83, Illegal option combination
The mounted options are not supported to work together.
ALARM 84, No safety option
The safety option was removed without applying a general
reset. Reconnect the safety option.
ALARM 88, Option detection
A change in the option layout has been detected. This
alarm occurs when
14-89 Option Detection
is set to [0]
Frozen configuration
and the option layout for some reason
has changed. An option layout change has to be enabled
14-89 Option Detection
before the change is accepted. If
the change of configuration is not accepted, it is only
possible to reset Alarm 88 (Trip-lock) when the option
configuration has been re-established/corrected.
WARNING 89, Mechanical brake sliding
The hoist brake monitor has detected a motor speed > 10
ALARM 90, Feedback monitor
Check the connection to encoder/resolver option and
eventually replace the MCB 102 or MCB 103.
WARNING/ALARM 104, Mixing fan fault
The fan monitor checks that the fan is spinning at power-
up or whenever the mixing fan is turned on. If the fan is
not operating, then the fault is annunciated. The mixing-
fan fault can be configured as a warning or an alarm trip
Troubleshooting Cycle power to the frequency converter
to determine if the warning/alarm returns.
WARNING 163, ATEX ETR cur.lim.warning
The warning limit of ATEX ETR rated current curve has
been reached. The warning is activated at 83% and de-
activated at 65% of the permitted thermal overload.
ALARM 164, ATEX ETR cur.lim.alarm
The ATEX ETR permitted thermal overload has been
WARNING 165, ATEX ETR freq.lim.warning
The frequency converter is running more than 50 s below
the permitted minimum frequency (
1-98 ATEX ETR interpol.
points freq.
ALARM 166, ATEX ETR freq.lim.alarm
The frequency converter has operated more than 60 s (in a
period of 600 s) below the permitted minimum frequency
1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq.
WARNING 250, New spare part
A component in the frequency converter has been
replaced. Reset the frequency converter for normal
WARNING 251, New typecode
The power card or other components have been replaced
and the typecode changed. Reset to remove the warning
and resume normal operation.
Operating Instructions VLT
CDS302 and CDS303
MG34M302 - VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark/Commercial Compressor