Preparing machine and Mach3 program
When files are ready, you only need to place and home the
material. First, start Mach3 program and reference all the axes
pressing „Ref All Home” button on the main screen.
Place the material securely, to avoid a risk of its shifting or
breaking during the treatment.
As it was mentioned at the beginning –
to set the material base we are going to
use the carbide roller, filed precisely on
half of diameter. If we use tool length
measurement, then enter the tool
number “1” in a „Tool” box in Mach3 program and start the measurement by
pressing „Auto Tool Zero” button.
In the manual feed rate panel set continuous ride mode and 25% speed. At the same time in a Feed
rate box, you can enter stepper work feeds, which we will use in a moment -1000 mm/min.
Now use arrow keys or keys on a machine desktop, reach left edge of the material. Z-axis is a little
below the material level.
Next, change the feed mode for stepper mode and set the step on 0.1mm. Work-
ing with 0.1mm step we get close to the material and then switch to 0.025mm step
– enter that value in a text box and press <enter>. Make the half
of the filed roller to contact with side surface of the material. If
we will try to move the spindle with a finger to any side – we will
be able to do that only to a small extent. The roller edges will not
let us more. Go by step with another 0.025mm until you will not
be able to move the spindle at all – it means that the material
surfaces and the filed roller adhere to each other.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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