You should inform the program what kind of tool you use. Below the Tool List click the Add but-
ton. In the tool-base window, click Add
Tool, to add a new tool. Enter parame-
ters as the picture shows. Some pa-
rameters like description or diameter
are obvious. Step-down is a maximum
depth the tool gets. Stepover is a work-
ing density. The bigger the density, the
generally better surface, but here it is
also not worth to overdo because you
can only unnecessarily make the
treatment last longer. Feed Rate is a feed on XY surface, and Plunge Rate means speed with which
the tool will get into the material. Tool Type is a tool shape type. Here the drawing, displayed after
shape type selection, is helpful.
In the end press „OK”, choose our tool from list and click Select.
In Tool List box, in the Area Clearance configuration panel there should our tool appear, now only
press Calculate: Now in the bottom of the panel, in the preview of working area there should the
calculated tool trajectory appear. We can switch to a 3D view to look closer. It should look something
like this:
Now we record the trajectory, go to the Toolpaths tab and click the
In the record window, select so-called postprocessor, to define
output data format suitable for our control system. In ArtCam
we recommend „G-Code Arcs (mm) (*.tap)”. It is basic G-Code
format suitable for Mach3 program. When you select the format
pres „Save” and save our trajectory as e.g. „planning.tap”.
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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