Configuration of axes used in a machine
At the beginning, you should activate support of the
axes you are going to use. Select the
menu position „Config
Ports and Pins” and next
„Motor Outputs” tab.
Select axes we are using by clicking „Enabled” - the
green ticks will appear next to them. We do not acti-
vate slave axes in that window.
Example 1: 3 axis plotter X, Y, Z.
Activate the X, Y, Z-axes.
Example 2: 3 axis p rotary A axis, Y-axis on two drives (slave axis).
Activate the X, Y, Z, A axes (the slave axis should not be activated here).
In „Motor Outputs” tab if you use Mach3 software and CSMIO/IP controller following options are
unused: Step Pin, Dir Pin, Dir Low Active (you change directions in menu „Config
Step Port and Dir Port.
By default axes are assigned to the following
STEP/DIR channels: X
[0] / Y
[1] / etc.
Pin numbers entered in Mach3, in „Port&Pins”
window, „Motor Outputs” tab do not matter.
To assign other STEP/DIR channels to the axes
you should do it in plugin’s configuration: menu
Config PlugIns
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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