Recommendations for mechanical installation
CSMIO/IP-S controller and DB->Terminal block connectors were designed to be installed on a stand-
ard DIN-rail. It is the quickest and the best way of installation.
The Controller uses a small amount of electricity and creates a negligible amount of heat. Aluminum
housing provides adequate cooling for electronics inside, even if an ambient temperature reaches
As for the controller, there are no special precautions for ventilation and minimum distances. How-
ever, usually, next to the controller in a control cabinet, there are also inverters, power supplies,
motor drives - these components emit a lot of heat, so you should always remember about their
proper location and proper ventilation of the cabinet.
Examples of components arrangement in a control cabinet.
Block scheme pictorial view
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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