Configuration of spindle and cooling
First, you must configure output signals. For that
you should select „Config/Ports and Pins” from
menu and go to „Spindle setup” tab. In „Relay con-
trol” group set Mach3 output signals numbers (the-
se are not the numbers of CSMIO/IP outputs, see
previous section about output signals configura-
tion). Here you can select the OUTPUT1-6 signals.
There are two options: for right revs (M3) and left revs (M4). We must uncheck „Disable Spindle
Relays” box of course - that means no support for spindle activation.
In „Flood Mist Control” group placed below, we set control of cooling activation just the same way.
Here you can also take the OUTPUT1-6 signals. If we want to use the control function of cooling acti-
vation, we must deselect the „Disable Flood/Mist Relays” box. There are two possible modes of cool-
ing: water mist (M7) and water stream (M8). For each mode, we give the right output signal. You can
also give the same signal for both modes, so then it will be activated with both the M7 and M8 com-
mand from the G-Code. Additionally in the „Delay” area, you can also set the delay you want after
cooling activation before machining begins.
Time delay for spindle switching on and off is also an important parameter. In particular, the high-
revs spindles need a little time after activation to speed up to the required speed. In the „General
Parameters” group, we can define independently an acceleration and deceleration time for right and
left revs.
CW Delay Spin UP
Acceleration time for right revs
CCW Delay Spin UP
Acceleration time for left revs
CW Delay Spin DOWN
Deceleration time for right revs
CCW Delay Spin DOWN
Deceleration time for left revs
Analog output configuration
The last things we configure in the „Ports and Pins” window are parameters related to the control of
a rotational speed through the digital input of CSMIO/IP-S. In the „ModBus Spindle – use step/dir as
well” group select the „Enabled” area, in the „Reg” box enter value of 64, and in the „Max ADC
count” – 4095. Now you can close the „Port and Pins” configuration window, click „Apply” and „OK.”
For correct control of the revs, you have to specify what range of the
revs our spindle has (including the inverter settings and eventual
pulleys). Select the „Config/Spindle Pulleys...” menu position. If we
use one ratio then enter „Min” and „Max” revs. Approve with „OK.”
C S - L a b s . c . – C S M I O / I P - S - C N C C o n t r o l l e r
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