Crystal Vision
Indigo ‘About’ page
The above example shows that the frame is equipped with IndigoSNMP software
version 4.6, build version 9259. Crystal Vision may ask you to provide this
information if there is a problem. Note that only frames fitted with IndigoSNMP
software are capable of supporting an SNMP interface. An SNMP enabled
Crystal Vision frame supports SNMP, ASCII and HTTP/JSON control protocols. A
non-SNMP enabled frame supports ASCII and HTTP/JSON control protocols.
Contact Crystal Vision customer support for protocol details.
Network Setup
From the Setup home page, clicking on the Network Setup link will bring up the
Network Setup page. If the installation includes more than one Indigo frame then
the IP address will need changing as all frames need a unique IP address. Enter
the new IP address in the
edit box and click on ‘Set’. In the example
below, the IP address will be changed to from its default value.
address can also be changed on this page if required. The
Gateway IP address should be set to in the
box unless a
router is in circuit, in which case the correct gateway address should be entered.
Click on ‘Reboot’ to implement the changes and the web page should refresh
itself showing the updated parameters.
The ‘Default IP’ DIP or slide switch must be returned to the up/right position and the
front panel power cycled. This can be achieved by either briefly interrupting the
power to the frame or, if this is not convenient, removing the ribbon-cable
connection to the front panel. Care must be taken not to bend any pins in the cable
connect as attempting to re-straighten any bent pins is likely to result in their
fracture. Should incorrectly formatted information be added, an error dialogue box
will be displayed indicating the likely cause of the errors.
Indigo DT User Manual R1.8
05 July 2018