Crystal Vision
If the front panel is open, the Front Fan LED will be unlit.
When a fault is cleared, the corresponding LED (if appropriate) will return to normal and an
active panel will display 'fault cleared'. Press an active button to clear the display. The active
front control panel can also be used to interrogate the status of the front panel and installed
PSUs by pressing ENTER when those devices are listed in Device view.
10.2 PSU relays
Each PSU contains a relay, the contacts of which are brought out to the Remote 1
connectors. This relay is under frame control and will change state whenever a fault is
present. These contacts can be used to operate external indicators as desired.
Please refer to the Connector pinout section for more details.
The red LED built into the front of the vertical PCB on the left-hand side of the PSU
will flash repeatedly (on for one second and off for one second) if there is no speed
fan signal present on the connector SK1 (the front left-hand side of the PSU). This
will occur when the PSU Fan assembly is removed or if the PSU fan stops. When
the fan speed signal is present, the LED is unlit. The same red LED will light up
continuously if levels of the power rails (+5.75V or -6.0V) are outside operational
limits. Refer to section 2.6 for further details.
Indigo 1 User Manual R1.14
27 February 2020