Crystal Vision
Virtual Cards
Rename the template file
To provide an interface consistent with that of real cards, the frame allocates a slot address to
each virtual card and the desired slot number is given in the filename. Make a copy of the
template file (‘VirtualTemplate0.xml’) and rename it with a filename that includes the 'virtual
slot' number and the unique identifier (no spaces allowed). Use the filename structure
'SlotID.CardDescription.xml'. In this example we will use slot 18 and the name
‘VirtualCardTest’ by renaming the file '18.VirtualCardTest.xml'. This file will appear in slot 18
(2.02) when the file is copied into a frame.
Edit the template file
Each Crystal Vision card type is given a reference (ID) number. The range 900-999 is
reserved for virtual cards. The card ID should be unique within any frame.
The card also needs a name, which must:
Be unique within the frame.
Contain only letters and numbers (no spaces).
Start with a capital letter.
'User900' to 'User999' (depending on the card type ID) will meet these requirements.
And a label – the name shown on the user interface – which must:
Be 10 characters or less.
Made up of letters, numbers and spaces.
Optionally the card can also have a 'hint', a single line of text that might be shown when a
mouse is hovered over the card selection.
Indigo 1 User Manual R1.14
27 February 2020