DHCP Server
by factory default. If you already have a
DHCP server
on your
network, or you don’t want a DHCP server, then select the
from drop down
menu (no other DHCP features will be available).
Using the
DHCP Starting IP Address
DHCP Ending IP Address
you can change
the values of the IP addresses assigned to the DHCP clients. The DHCP address
assignment can expire if the address is not used. This value can be defined in the
Lease time
field in seconds.
Active DHCP Leases
shows all active DHCP leases with each computer's name, IP-
address, Hardware address, and when its lease expires.
Spanning Tree
Corinex Wireless to Powerline Router G
supports 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol to
prevent network loops. Select
to enable the Spanning Tree Daemon or
to disable the Spanning Tree Daemon from drop down menu.
Static Routing
Static Routes
provide additional routing information to your router. Under normal
circumstances, the router has adequate routing information after it has been configured
for Internet access, and you do not need to configure additional static routes. You must
configure static routes only for unusual cases such as when you have multiple routers or
use multiple IP subnets in your network.