Quick Setup with CME 2
Xenus XSL User Guide
Copley Controls Corp.
5.13.3: Test S-Curve Profile
NOTE: Skip this step unless the amplifier will perform CANopen S-Curve profile moves.
Jerk is the rate of change of acceleration. S-Curve moves reduce jerk to provide a smooth profile.
To tune the level of jerk, run an S-Curve profile and adjust velocity, acceleration, deceleration, and
jerk levels until the desired profile is obtained.
On the
tab, click the
Adjust the following options. Set values that represent a typical move under normal
Trajectory Limits Tab
Maximum Velocity
Maximum speed of the profile.
Maximum acceleration/deceleration of the profile. The deceleration is set to
be the same as acceleration.
Maximum Jerk
The value of jerk set during the calculate procedure produces an S-Curve
whose maximum slope is equal to the trajectory profile slope. This value will
produce a maximum acceleration that is not more than the initial default
value of acceleration. Small values will produce less jerking but will take
longer to complete move. Large values will produce more jerking and a more
trapezoidal profile but will complete the move faster.
Profile Tab
Increase the move distance to produce a complete trajectory profile. Use an
acceptable value the does not exceed mechanical limits of the system.
Move Relative
Type S-Curve
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