003274/Revision 2.4 @2019 Control Data Systems Page 95
Figure 6.2.28 Country Code settings window
The Configuration section enables you to view and edit certain settings for the
configuration/provisioning of the devices and the network, including connection settings, publishers,
alert subscriptions and Modbus register mapping.
This section is intended for users with thorough technical knowledge, and certain configurations
require advanced expertise, therefore they should be carefully planned, as any inconsistencies may
render the devices/network inoperative.
Note that the changes you perform in the settings for each separate entity will also be reflected in the
Advanced Settings page and vice-versa.
The Basic Config page provides the main configuration of the network Subnet ID and the Join Key. The
user input values are as follows (
Figure 6.3.1
Subnet ID (a decimal value between 2 and 65535);
Single Join Key (a hexadecimal value of 32 characters).
After changing either values, a Hardware Restart is needed.
The same join key must be provided to field devices in the provisioning phase (using FieldTool).