003274/Revision 2.4 @2019 Control Data Systems Page 133
corner of a level. The Gateway, the Network Manager, and the Access Point are found on level 0. For the
field devices, the level represents the number of hops from device to Access Point on the clock source
graph. A
is a term used to describe the data being passed from one device to another to lengthen
the transmit distance.
Communication-wise, field devices are linked directly or via other devices to the Access Point, which is
the central device in the RF network. The Access Point further relays to the Gateway, while the Network
Manager organizes the entire network. The field devices can have various sensors attached: temperature
sensors, humidity sensors, etc.
The devices are identified in the topology by the last four characters of their EUI-64 address. For easier
identification, the Access Point, the Gateway, and the Network Manager are identified with the
abbreviations AP, GW, and NM. The devices are placed within a level in the order of their EUI64 address.
They can be moved freely within the range of their level by
to obtain better legibility of
the topology.
In addition, they are represented by suggestive icons and against backgrounds of different colors, to
distinguish their roles:
Gateway – purple background;
Access Point – light green;
Network Manager – dark green;
Field devices – blue.
By positioning the cursor over an icon, you can view the tooltip, which includes the following details for a
the EUI-64 address,
the device role,
the device tag,
the manufacturer,
the model.
The available Topology page elements and viewing options are described in the following paragraphs.
Adjusting Width and Height
You can adjust the size of the topology representation using the buttons
for height and
You can also adjust the height and weight to the size of the Topology pane by clicking
, or revert to
the original viewing settings by clicking
To show the links between devices, check the
option located above the topology graph (this option
is checked by default when the page is loaded).