RocketLinx WR7802-XT Series User Guide
: 2000638 Rev. A
System | Outbound Firewall | Src (Source) Port Filtering Page - 55
Configuration Using the Web User Interface
System | Outbound Firewall | Src (Source) Port Filtering Page
Entries in this table are used to
restrict certain ports of data packets
from your local network to the
Internet through the gateway. Use of
such filters can be helpful in securing
or restricting your local network.
Enable Source Port Filtering
, type
the port range, select the Protocol type
(UDP, TCP, or Both). You can enter a
comment (note for the entry) and then
to activate the settings.
The table displays each source port
range, protocol, and the comment for
each entry. Use the table to edit or
delete any entry as needed.
After selecting
to activate the
settings you can then see the entries
you configured in the table below.
You must
settings, if you want to
maintain these settings if the
WR7802-XT is rebooted.
System | Outbound Firewall | Dest (Destination) Port Filtering Page
Use the entries in this table to restrict
certain ports of data packets from your
local network to the Internet through
the gateway. Use of such filters can be
helpful in securing or restricting your
local network.
Enable Destination Port Filtering
type the port range, protocol type
(UDP, TCP or Both). Type the
Comment (note for the entry) and then
to activate the settings.
The table displays each destination
port range, protocol, and the comment
for each entry. Use the table to edit or
delete any entry as needed.
After selecting
to activate the
settings you can then see the entries
you configured in the table below.
You must
settings, if you want to
maintain these settings if the
WR7802-XT is rebooted.