– AMF20/25, SW version 1.2, ©ComAp – March 2008
IL-NT-AMF-Reference Guide1.2.pdf
In case of controller hardware or software fail, safe stop of the engine doesn’t have to be ensured. To
back-up the Emergency Stop function it is recommended to connect separate circuit for disconnection
of Fuel Solenoid and Starter signals.
Sd Override
If the input is closed all alarms are disabled except the binary input EMERGENCY STOP and "engine
overspeed protection".
all IL alarms are detected,
IL front panel gen-set RED LED blinks or lights,
alarm is recorded on the IL alarm list screen,
BUT gen-set remains running.
Sd Override
is indicated in the AlarmList if Sd Override mode is active to inform the operator
that the engine is not protected.
Access Lock
If the input is closed, no setpoints can be adjusted from controller front panel and gen-set mode (OFF-
MAN-AUT-TEST) cannot be changed.
Access Lock does not protect setpoints and mode changing from LiteEdit. To avoid unqualified
changes the selected setpoints can be password protected.
Remote OFF
If closed, iL is switched to OFF mode (there are four modes OFF-MAN-AUT-TEST). When opens
controller is switched back to previous mode.
This binary input should be connected to schedule timer switch, to avoid start of engine.
Remote MAN
If the input is active, MAN mode is forced to the controller independently on the position of the MODE
Remote AUT
If the input is active, AUTO mode is forced to the controller independently on the position of the MODE
selector. If another of „remote“ inputs is active, then the REMOTE AUT input has the lowest priority.
Remote TEST
If closed, iL is switched to TEST mode (there are four modes OFF-MAN-AUT-TEST). When opens
controller is switched back to previous mode.
Affects the behaviour in TEST mode. When input is closed, the controller automatically transfers load
from the mains to the gen-set. Setpoint
AutoMains Fail
must be set to MANUAL.
Load is automatically transferred back to the mains when any gen-set shut down protection activates.
Function Test Onload was changed to combination Remote Test + Rem TEST OnLd.
If the input is active, setpoints writing or command sending from the external terminal is disabled.