FC:1200-1207 EngSpdSensor2
FC:2000-2002 WtrTempSensor
FC:2100-2102 ChrgAirTmpSens
FC:2200-2202 ChrgAirPrsSens
FC:2400-2403 OilPressSensor
FC:2600-2601 SensorSupply1
FC:2700-2701 SensorSupply2
FC:2800-2802 ExtrAnalogInp
FC:3200-3205 BatteryVoltage
FC:4300-4303 HW Watchdog
FC:6200-6201 FanActuator
FC:6400-6401 WasteGateAct
FC:6600-6601 StarterActuatr
FC:6A00-6A01 ExhaustBrkAct
FC:B000-B001 OilPressProt
FC:B100-B101 CoolantLevProt
FC:B200 OverheatCoolWt
FC:B300 EmergencyStop
FC:C000-C006 PDEInjctorCyl1
FC:C100-C106 PDEInjctorCyl2
FC:C200-C206 PDEInjctorCyl3
FC:C300-C306 PDEInjctorCyl4
FC:C400-C406 PDEInjctorCyl5
FC:C500-C506 PDEInjctorCyl6
FC:C600-C606 PDEInjctorCyl7
FC:C700-C706 PDEInjctorCyl8
FC:E200 OverheatProt
FC:E600 CoordEmergStop
Analog inputs
Reading of mentioned values from ECU enables to use analog inputs of the unit for other purposes,
e.g. measuring, displaying and alarm activation related to various quantities. The configuration thus
allows to use three analog inputs on the central unit and four analog inputs on IG-IOM/IGS-PTM
module if connected.
If the engine without ECU is controlled by InteliLite, the first analog input is permanently configured to
Oil pressure, other analog inputs remain freely configurable.
InteliLite – MRS10/11/15/16, SW version 2.2, ©ComAp – November 2004 40