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Adjusting the Conveyor Belt Tensioning
Follow these steps to adjust Conveyor Belt tensioning:
Step 1:
Tighten the adjustment rings on the right and left sides of the belt in the rear, using a pair of pliers.
Step 2:
Make sure that tighten the rings on the right and left sides with the same torque.
Step 3:
Mark any two points vertically at a measuring span of 1000mm in the Belt. Start tensioning the belt
by adjuster bolts thread by thread equally on both sides, till the length becomes 3mm (max) in excess
(i.e.,1003mm), as shown below:
Fig 16: Tightening the Conveyor Belt
Now, the Conveyor Belt tensioning gets adjusted.
Checking the Belt Movement
Follow these steps to check the belt movement:
Step 1:
Switch ON the Conveyor Belt.
Step 2:
Initially run the Conveyor belt in slow speed to check for any obstacle and, then run the Conveyor
Belt for a long time (Around 30 minutes) to check the movement and direction of it.
Step 3:
Check the shifting of Conveyor Belt to control it, if required.
If the Conveyor Belt is shifted or not in center, then it need to be adjusted (Refer to upcoming section).
Centering of Belt
Below section explains about centering of belt, when it has shifted towards edge of the roller:
If the belt is shifting one side more than 5mm in 1 hour, do the following
Wait for the running print to be completed, if repeats are given, stop immediately after the
running image is completed, and prevent giving next command.
Takeout the fabric, lower the tub and run glue cycle in reverse direction with 70% speed.