Conne buildup [electronic]
Function (signal name)
Terminal number
Pressure roller open / Paper break (GND, signal)
X10-3, X10-4
Reserve output (signal)
Not used for C4300/C7300 (12V, signal, GND)
X11-1, X11-2, X11-3
All C4300-/C7300-inputs are NPN inputs!
Use the standard good sensor from Collamat AG – or another
NPN-sensor with open collector- or push-pull-output.
!GSC = signal, 12V = voltage (10-30V), GND = ground potential
This is the standard label scanner (receiver) input (from Collamat
AG), if the fix adapter (without adapter board) is used – or if a non
Collamat AG NPN-sensor will be connected (foreign product).
!LSC = signal, 12V = voltage (10-30V), GND = ground potential
This is the sender-current output for the standard label scanner
(from Collamat AG), if the fix adapter (without adapter board) is
TCY = signal output, 12V = voltage for current source.
NOT-READY-input [!RDY]
Status of external connected peripheral devices. It’s not allowed to
start the labeler (via good scanner) as long as this input is activated
(GND-level). If the good scanner tries to start the labeler anyway –
the error-output (ERR, !ERR) will be set (short error pulse)!
!RDY = signal, GND = ground-level
FEED-output [!FEED]
This output stays active (ground-level) as long as the stepper motor
is turning. This (internal) signal is guided through the FUTURE-bus
cable to the adapter-/applicator-board.
IFEED-output [!IFD, IFD]
This galvanic isolated output (opto coupler) stays active as long as
the stepper motor is turning. This output can be inverted by setting
the IFEED polarity jumper to inverse.
!IFD = open collector (collector) , IFD = open collector (emitter) *
12V, GND
12V = voltage, GND = ground level
Can be used to power sensors, opto coupler, relays,……
ERROR-output [!ERR, ERR]
This galvanic isolated (opto coupler) output will be activated if:
- a label scanner-error has been detected (no gap (distance
between labels) has been detected within 2000mm forward
feeding of the labels),
- motor controller – error (voltage error, over temperature,
motor error, ….)
- Paper break (optional paper break sensor)
- Pressure roller lifted = open (optional TUO-sensor)
!ERR = open collector (collector) , ERR = open collector (emitter)*
TUNIT-input [!TUNIT]
This is the terminal where the optional paper break sensor and/or
the TUA-sensor will be connected (see above)
!TUNIT = signal, GND = ground level