GR740-UM-DS, Nov 2017, Version 1.7
Configuration port
The configuration port has port number 0. It consists of an RMAP target, AMBA AHB slave inter-
face, SpaceWire Plug-and-Play interface, and a set of configuration and status registers.
13.5.1 RMAP target Overview
The configuration port’s RMAP target implements the RMAP protocol, as defined in the RMAP stan-
dard [RMAP]. Verified writes and reads of 4 B, and read-modify-writes of 4 B (8 B if the mask field
is included in the count) are supported. Replies from the configuration port are always sent to the port
they arrived on, regardless of the values of the RMAP command’s Initiator Logical Address field, and
Reply Address field. The address space of the configuration port is specified in section 13.5.3.
Additional requirements on the RMAP commands imposed by the configuration port’s RMAP target
The Target Logical Address field must be 0xFE.
The Address fields must contain a 4 B aligned address.
The Extended Address field must be 0x00.
Key field must be 0x00.
For write and read commands the Data Length fields must contain a value of either 0 or 4.
For read-modify-write commands the Data Length fields must contain a value of either 0 or 8.
For write commands the Verify Data Before Write bit in the Instruction field must be set to 1.
How the RMAP target handles commands that does not meet the above requirement is detailed in sec-
tions and
Table 170.
0xB0 - RTR.AMBAINTMSK0 - AMBA port Interrupt mask, interrupt 0-31
31: 0
Interrupt mask (MASK) - Each bit corresponds to the interrupt number with the same value as the bit index.
If a bit is set to 0, all received interrupt codes and interrupt acknowledgement codes with the interrupt iden-
tifier corresponding to that bit is ignored. If a bit is set to 1, then the matching distributed interrupt code is
Table 171.
0xB0 - RTR.AMBAINTMSK1 - AMBA port Interrupt mask, interrupt 32-63
31: 0
Interrupt mask (MASK) - Each bit corresponds to the interrupt number with the same value as the bit index.
plus 32, i.e bit 0 corresponds to interrupt number 32, bit 1 to interrupt number 33 etc. If a bit is set to 0, all
received extended interrupt codes with the interrupt identifier corresponding to that bit is ignored. If a bit is
set to 1, then the matching distributed interrupt code is handled.