eVenue Tempo
S o f t w a r e I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d O p e r a t i o n
General Tab
2. Enter your general script settings on the
tab. Click
when done.
A. Name your script.
B. Select your total number of practice periods (i.e., sections of practice).
C. Determine your default period length. (This is your most used period length. You can customize length by period in the
Periods tab)
D. Determine your total scheduled length of practice.
E. Determine whether or not the music stops at the end of the period.
If you make your total practice time longer than your allowed or allotted practice time, the timing mechanism
will flash red on the bottom center of the screen. This control functions to monitor practice-time regulations.
Figure 31: eVenue Tempo Software General Tab