eVenue Tempo
W h a t ’ s i n c l u d e d w i t h t h e T e m p o S y s t e m ?
Tempo Control Unit Overview
The Tempo Control Unit houses the eVenue Tempo Software and functions to feed audio out to the system. With eVenue Tempo
Software, you can create and load a practice script to include songs, sound effects, and voice commands. The software syncs this
script with the on board practice segment timer and optional 25/40 clock(s) to drive the pace of practice. Controls at the Tempo
Control Unit (or optional Tempest FX wireless communication system) allow you to jump to the next period, adjust volume levels, add
or subtract times from periods, and play selected song and/or sound files. With Tempest FX, users can control the eVenue Tempo
Software from anywhere on the field, communicate with other coaches wearing BeltPacks, and use the Voice Announce feature to
engage players. Valuable product features include all of those highlighted on the ePod, plus the following:
Tempest FX Remote Transceiver Mounting Location:
Volume Switch:
I/O Panel:
Surface for Tempest FX BaseStation when in use:
5. Audio Cable Connection:
6. Power Cable Connection:
Figure 4: Tempo Control Unit (back)