Fiber Active Cabinet (FAC) 3200
Installation Manual
Direct: 763.476.6866 • National: 800.422.2537 • www.SeeClearfield.com • [email protected]
Manual 020421 REV A - Jan 2019
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Remove the dust cover from the first port on the termination assembly panel, and connect a fiber jumper.
Route the fiber jumper to the service unit as follows:
For AE fiber distribution bulkheads, route the fibers to the dressing spool on the right, and then over the top
of the bulkhead, and along the relay ramp to the service unit.
For GPON fiber distribution bulkheads, route the fiber over the top of the bulkhead, and along relay ramp
to the service unit.
Neatly dress any slack fiber within the comb ducts above the service unit on the front rack.
Connect the fiber jumper to a service unit Ethernet port.