CTD-N Technical Manual
P/N 95F-6000-00 (February 2017)
page 27
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Communications Options
Communications options can be selected in the Advanced Settings dialog box shown in Figure 15.
To open the Advanced Settings dialog box, choose CTD
Advanced Settings.
Figure 15.
The Advanced Settings Dialog Box
The Advanced Settings dialog box allows you to modify the standard operation of the CTD-N, in-
cluding some hardware functions and the data output format. After making the selections, click OK
to save the selections and close the Advanced Setting dialog box.
The hardware functions that can be modified are the following:
Output Data on Power Up
causes the instrument to immediately output data when power
is applied.
Autolog on Power Up, Low Conductivity will stop logging
causes the instrument to
begin recording data when power is applied and stop recording data when conductivity is
below a specified threshold. This feature allows continuous, multiple casts to be made. See
Leave RS-232 Power ON
ensures the instrument will function properly with RTS/CTS
The data output format selections are the following:
Standard CTD Format, Engineering Units
uses standard CTD data output formatting.
CMAN (Coastal Marine Automated Network) Format 1
uses CMAN Format 1 formatting.