C i s c o C o n f i d e n t i a l - B e t a R e v i e w R 3 . 7. 1
Hardware Redundancy and Node Administration Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show fpd package
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Related Commands
Table 30
show fpd package Field Descriptions
Card Type
Type of card that is associated with this FPD.
FPD Description
Currently running FPD type and image version.
Hardware type. Can be one of the following types:
spa—shared port adapter
lc—line card.
FPD type. Can be one of the following types:
fabldr—fabric downloader
fpga1—field-programmable gate array
fpga2—field-programmable gate array 2
fpga3—field-programmable gate array 3
fpga4—field-programmable gate array 4
fpga5—field-programmable gate array 5
rommon—read-only memory monitor
rommon2—read-only memory monitor 2
SW Version
Currently running FPD image version.
Min Req HW
Minimum required hardware version for the associated FPD image.
Displays the FPD compatibility for all modules or for a specific module.
Manually upgrades the current FPD image package on a module.