C i s c o C o n f i d e n t i a l - B e t a R e v i e w R 3 . 7. 1
File System Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show media
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Media Information for 0/4/CPU0.
Mountpoint FsType State DrvrPid Mirror Flags
/disk0: FAT16 Mounted 0024598 Enabled
/disk0a: FAT16 Not Present
/disk1: FAT16 Not Present
/disk1a: FAT16 Not Present
/harddisk: FAT32 Mounted 0061493
/harddiska: FAT32 Not Present
/harddiskb: FAT32 Not Present
Media Information for 0/4/CPU1.
Mountpoint FsType State DrvrPid Mirror Flags
/disk0: FAT16 Mounted 0024598 Enabled
/disk0a: FAT16 Not Present
/disk1: FAT16 Not Present
/disk1a: FAT16 Not Present
/harddisk: FAT32 Mounted 0036919
/harddiska: FAT32 Not Present
/harddiskb: FAT32 Not Present
Media Information for 0/RP0/CPU0.
Mountpoint FsType State DrvrPid Mirror Flags
/disk0: FAT16 Mounted 0024598 Enabled
/disk0a: FAT16 Not Present
/disk1: FAT16 Mounted 0024599
/disk1a: FAT16 Not Present
/harddisk: FAT32 Mounted 0143421
/harddiska: FAT32 Not Present
/harddiskb: FAT32 Not Present
Media Information for 0/RP1/CPU0.
Mountpoint FsType State DrvrPid Mirror Flags
/disk0: FAT16 Mounted 0024598 Enabled
/disk0a: FAT16 Not Present
/disk1: FAT16 Mounted 0024599
/disk1a: FAT16 Not Present
/harddisk: FAT32 Mounted 0131133
/harddiska: FAT32 Not Present
/harddiskb: FAT32 Not Present
describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 26
show media Field Descriptions
File system name.
File system type.
State of the storage media.
Process ID of the media driver.
Indicates if disk mirroring is enabled or not.
Where disk mirroring is enabled, indicates whether the partition has
been repaired, formatted, or the driver has been restarted.