3.5mm headphone connector socket
This is a standard headphone connector socket used on most devices’ audio output chan
nels. You can
connect your regular headphones to this connector to hear all the amazing bleeps and bloops your
MAKERbuino synthesizes.
16MHz Crystal
Inside this metallic package is a crystal
used in
oscillator circuit.
In other words, MAKERbuino’s neat 16MHz of CPU clock is possible thanks to this
Standard digital clocks and watches work on the same principle.
Text marking on the crystal may vary and sometimes look like this:
1N4148 Diode
This is a standard diode.
It’s used in MAKERbuino’s sound circuit.
This is NOT a light emitting diode (LED), it
light up,
used as an essential part of the
circuit amplifier.
3 Pin Toggle Switches (2 pcs)
These 3-leaded standard electromechanical switches are used for turning your MAKERbuino ON
and OFF and muting the speaker.
There are three different types of capacitors in your MAKERbuino kit
100uF Electrolytic Capacitors (3 pcs)
These look like small black barrels with two leads.
used for filtrating noise and
ensuring that
circuitry is powered with clean and stable electrical
These capacitors should have 100uF written on their surface. Unlike other
capacitors in the kit, these are polarized.
Electronics 101: only electrolytic capacitors are polarized and have significantly higher
capacity compared to other capacitors.