Female JST connector
This connector is pre-
soldered to MAKERbuino’s
PCB and is used for connecting the Li-Po
battery to the circuit.
These white JST connectors are different from regular connectors in a way that
they are anti-
. In other words, you cannot swap polarity while connecting the battery. This is
important because reverse p
olarity can damage MAKERbuino’s charging circuit.
Important: the “sandwich”
Some of the above components (PCB, casing, some nuts and bolts, female battery
connector, Li-Po battery) might come packed in this sandwich-like form displayed on
the picture.
The reason for sending you those components like that is a regulation that doesn’t
allow us to send the Li-Po batteries via airmail if they are not embedded in some kind
of a “device”.
Before assembling the MAKERbuino, you will have to unscrew the sandwich and
release the PCB so that you can solder the components on it.
Electronics 101: never solder or modify a device that is
In other words,
always unplug the battery or some other power supply from the
otherwise, you might make a short circuit with your soldering iron or screwdriver
and damage the electronic components.
RS232 Serial UART adapter & the corresponding 6 pin
This red Serial adapter board is connected to MAKERbuino’s serial port (top left
black female angle connector).
It allows you to program your MAKERbuino directly from your computer and send
all sorts of useful data from the computer to the MAKERbuino and vice versa.
The board is connected to the MAKERbuino with a 6-pin rainbow female to male
need these components in the basic assembly so you can put theaside
for now.
SD card (m
SD adapter)
The included SD card is used for storing games, programs and other useful data on it (game
graphics, music etc.).
Thanks to this card, you can load multiple games on your MAKERbuino.
It comes preloaded with lots of fun games downloaded from
the games gallery
so that you can
try it out right after you assemble it.
You might be wondering why the card’s capacity is only 128 MB. This is an 8
-bit gameboy-like
gaming device and programs and games for it are approximately 30 kB. Thus,128 MB of space
will be more than sufficient for storing plenty of games, programs and useful info.
This neat little speaker fits at the back side of the device, it has a special place in the back
of the casing.
It plays a crucial role in producing all the beeps, boops and crazy chiptunes
compose in your very own games.
Power: 0.5W,
Impedance: 8Ω,
Body dimensions: Ø28 x 4.7mm
Note: speaker’s photos are made by