Positioning User Manual
n2: Axis to be controlled (1..2)
n2+1: Command Code
n2+2 ~ n2+9: Data necessary for positioning control
The following table describes in detail with respect to the operation according to the Command Code.
Command Code
Change current position
Enter a new position address (DWORD) in the parameter. OPR
completed flag will be set after this command.
Change speed
Write a new speed value in the parameter.
Inching operation
Record an inching movement amount (distance) in the parameter,
if a negative value is entered, the axis moves backward.
Change target address Enter a new target address in the parameter.
Change parameter
This function changes the position control parameter in the sequence
program. Parameter changed by this function does not carry out the
validity check such as setting range. Therefore, pay an attention not
to write an incorrect value. All the parameter changes will be lost
when switching to STOP mode.
Change parameter
Indirect position data
Position data block of 8 word size must be written in the parameter in
place of the control data.
n3 (Result flag)
Device memory in which an error code (if it exists) and result flag are to be written.
It must be a word device. (For example, M0100).
Upper Byte: Error Code
Lower Byte: displays command processing status
n Bit 0: Processing the command
n Bit 1: The command is processed completely
n Bit 2: Command processing error (gets set concurrently with Bit 1 completion flag)
n Bit 3
7: Reserved
*Refer to the section 1.11.2 ‘Positioning Example Using Positioning Data.’