- 48 -
6) Output
Alarm condition (activation/reset) at each alarm point is output from the relay of the specified No. (alarm
output terminal No.). This output is not performed initially because it is set to “-“ prior to shipment.
Output relay can be specified arbitrarily for each channel and level (from No.1 to 12 relay: optional). When
“99” is specified, internal circuit output can be performed instead of relay output. The internal ON/OFF
signal can be used as a trigger for SD card recording or mail sending (optional).
7) Output mode (AND/OR)
Select the circuit type (AND/OR) for output. Multiple alarm points can be assigned to one relay No.
AND output: .... Relay turns ON when all the assigned
alarm points generate alarm.
OR output: ...... Relay turns ON when any of the
assigned alarm points generates
8) Holding/not holding conditions of measured value display, status LED and relay output at alarm activation
When alarm is activated, the measured value and “ALM” start flashing. When the alarm is reset, the
measured value stops flashing and “ALM” is turned off (they keep flashing when alarm display and relay
output is held).
You can stop flashing of measured value and status LED from the alarm status check window if the alarm
has been reset. When remote contact is selected as a reset method, specify the remote contact No. which
executes a reset (Hold-EX).
Not Hold
Hold: Reset by KEY
Hold: Reset by EX
Select a reset method (key operation or remote contact).
Alarm point 1
Alarm point 2
AND output
OR output
The status LED and output cannot be reset while alarm is activated. Even when alarm is reset, the condition of
display, status LED and output at alarm activation are held. Specify a reset method for these items.
Alarm confirmation and output status
Alarm reset
Alarm activation
Measured value
stays on
Measured value
Relay output OFF
Relay output ON
Reset by KEY/EX
Alarm reset
Alarm activation
Measured value
stays on
Measured value
“ALM” flashes
Relay output OFF
Relay output ON
Reset by KEY/EX
Alarm reset
Alarm activation
Measured value
stays on
Measured value
“ALM” flashes
Relay output OFF
Relay output ON