C.E.S. Model SDI-50 Manual
6.5 SOFTWARE SWITCHES ......................................... 25
6.5.1 Toll Restrictions (*5 00 through *5 11) ............... 25
6.5.2 Selective Signalling (*5 12) .......................... 26
6.5.3 "*" Reset of The Cali Limit Timer (*5 13) ............. 27
6.5.4 Simplex Enable (*5 14) ................................ 27
6.5.5 Toll Restrict On The Ist Dialed digit (*5 15) ......... 27
6.5.6 Toll Restrict On The 2nd Dialed digit (*5 16) ......... 27
6.5.7 Tone To Pulse Dialing (*5 17) ......................... 28
6.5.8 Toll Restriction Override (*5 20) ..................... 28
6.5.9 Single digit "*" Connect Code (*5 21) ................. 28
6.5.10 Single digit "#" Disconnect (*5 22) .................. 28
6.5.11 Sample Rafe Multiplier (*5 23, 24) ................... 29
6.5.12 Repeat Enable (*5 23) ................................ 29
6.5.13 Courtesy Beep (*5 24) ................................ 30
6.5.14 Ring Counter (*5 25,26) .............................. 30
6.5.15 Interconnect Enable (*5 27) .......................... 30
6.5.16 Mobile Signalling Wait Time (*5 30,31) ............... 30
6.5.17 Ring Out (*5 32) ..................................... 31
6.5.18 Toll Restrict Enable (*5 33) ......................... 31
6.5.19 Automatic CW ID (*5 34) .............................. 32
6.5.20 Auto Answer (*5 35) .................................. 32
6.5.21 Half/Full Dúplex Enable (*5 36) ...................... 32
6.5.22 Repeat Enable (*5 37) ................................ 32
6.5.23 Mute on Pulse Dialing (*5 40) ........................ 33
6.5.24 Begin Outdial with Star (*) (*5 41) .................. 33
6.5.25 Begin Outdial with Pound (#) (*5 42) ................. 33
6.5.26 Phone in Use (*5 44) ................................. 34
6.5.27 DTMF Regenérate (*5 47) .............................. 34
6.6 CONTROL CODES ............................................. 34
6.6.1 Remote Programming Code (*6) .......................... 34
6.6.2 Connect and Disconnect Codes (*7 0) ................... 34
6.6.3 Special Connect Code (*7 1) ........................... 35
6.6.4 Functions (*7 2,3) .................................... 35
6.6.5 Interconnect Enable (*7 4) ............................ 36
6.6.6 Repeater Enable (*7 5) ................................ 36
6.6.7 Dial-up Remote Code (*8) .............................. 36
6.7 MESSAGES .................................................. 36
6.7.1 MESSAGE PROGRAMMING TABLE ............................. 38
7.1 INSTALLATION AND SET UP ................................. 39
8.0 SDI-50 PROGRAMMING LOG .................................... 40
9.0 MODEL SDI-50 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .......................... 42
9.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................................... 42
9.1.1 Microcomputer Control System .......................... 42
9.1.2 Customer Programmable Memory .......................... 42
9.1.3 DTMF Encoding and Decoding ............................ 42
9.1.4 Power Supply .......................................... 42
9.1.5 Power on Reset ........................................ 42
9.1.6 Watch Dog Timer ....................................... 43
9.1.7 Telephone Line Circuit ................................ 43
9.1.8 VOX Detect Circuit .................................... 43